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This bag contains Black ObsidianClear Quartz, Amethyst, and Black Tourmaline. Our unique back pouch allows you to carry your crystals in your pocket or purse for continuous healing energy throughout the day. The drawstring pouch allows you to keep your crystals together and avoid losing them when traveling.


These are the same gemstones found in our Manifest Health & Wellness Bruja Box!

Health & Wellness Gemstone Pouch

  • Black Obsidian:

    The black obsidian healing properties that are most prominent are its ability to cleanse and ground. It is rooted in the base chakras and has a strong connection to the earth. This makes it the perfect grounding force and is often used to achieve feng shui in homes. It is said to draw the negativity out and into the earth where it is neutralized. Its strong connection to earth and to nature make it the ideal stone for tapping into other spiritual realms and unlocking their potential.


    Black Tourmaline:

    Whether you’re an empath, who is prone to taking on the negative energy of others, or recent incidents in your life have you feeling especially vulnerable to other people’s moods, the black tourmaline meaning will shield you from low vibrational energy. Use black tourmaline stones to assist in setting and enforcing energetic boundaries, and warding off external negativity.



    When you reach out for an amethyst stone, chances are you could use some soothing vibrations. Amethyst has a way of encouraging us to seek out our intuitive needs. So sometimes we connect with amethyst clusters because we want to free our mind of the anxieties, stress and worries that have been weighing on our spirit.


    Clear Quartz:

    Clear quartz crystal is known for having high vibrations. The stone can clear the mind, body and spirit of clutter and can help to align the bearer with the highest form of themselves so that they may reach their full potential.

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